Missing Your Favorite Salad Bar, Chef Salad, or Crab Louie?

Do it yourself salad bar

Why not make your own?

If Crab Louie is your thing, Food and Wine’s recipe at https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/crab-louie is outstanding!

Or if you want to create a full salad bar on your own, the following ideas will get you started.

Ingredient Ideas:

You can start with a Caesar salad kit or choose from over 12 varieties of lettuce
Baby spinach – feel free to buy it already washed and dried
1 bell pepper (any color) – rinse, remove top and seeds, and chop
1 cucumber – slice and cut each slice into quarters
Carrots - peel and slice
Pea pods - rinsed
Tomatoes (vine-on, Roma, or cherry are especially nice) – rinse and chop
Celery - rinse and slice into bite size pieces
Beets – rinse, cut in bite size cubes, set on a baking sheet pour over a little olive oil, add salt and pepper, and roast
Asparagus – rinse, cut into bite size lengths, and gently boil until soft or set on a baking sheet pour over a little olive oil, add salt and pepper, and roast
Radishes – rinse and slice thinly
Raisins or Craisins
Green or black olives
Cottage cheese
Artichoke hearts
Chicken – canned or roasted and diced or shredded
Eggs – hard boil and slice lengthwise into 2 halves or 4 wedges
Roasted, cracked sunflower or pumpkin seeds
Roasted or candied nuts
Bacon bits
Grated Parmesan cheese
Italian herbs
Artisan bread made into croutons
Your favorite salad dressing

Place each item in a small bowl and set on the counter or table and allow each diner to create their own combination.

Items can be placed in plastic storage containers or zip bags and stored in the refrigerator and then enjoyed for later snacks or meals for up to three days.

If you have children or just want to add the comfort food element, consider pairing the salad bar with macaroni and cheese.

 15511 3rd Ave SW, Burien WA 98166
Phone: 206.327.9880 | Fax: 206.327.9977
Hours:  8am-6:30pm Monday-Thursday  |  8am-4pm Friday
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